“Rivers Rising” Launch and AGM a great success!

Thank you to all who attended our Annual General Meeting and the launch of our new and exciting project, Rivers Rising, funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.  It was inspiring to see so many familiar and new faces!

During the Annual General Meeting, we welcomed four new members to our Board of Directors and took the opportunity to thank outgoing and continuing Board Members for their incredible commitment, especially through the last year.  Key volunteers were also recognized for their kind-hearted dedication to our programs including our Great Garden Adventure squad and our Garden Team who nurtured our community garden through another fruitful season!

Ray, Xandra, Samira, Angela S, Angela W, & Imran







We appreciate the passion and enthusiasm expressed by participants who shared creative and productive ideas during the Rivers Rising group discussions.  We know this is only the first step in collaborating with community members on the project that will continue to lead us towards the creation of a blue green city.

EcoTourism discussion group


We would also like to acknowledge the contribution of our project and community partners who were in attendance. And last but not least, we would like to recognize the Ontario Trillium Foundation for supporting this new initiative and continuing to believe in TGC’s approach to building an improved environment in Toronto’s communities.

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