This Night Walk with the Lost Rivers and Rivers Rising initiatives traces hidden histories of the Garrison Creek, which enters Lake Ontario just east of Fort York, the military garrison for the region. Closed since the 1920s, the hidden creek has gained interest as new initiatives have formed to draw attention to the relationships between… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Lost River Walks
Lost Rivers 7th Annual Salmon Festival
On Sunday, October 2, come celebrate nature at the 7th Annual Salmon Festival at Highland Creek as we showcase the salmon run in Morningside Park from 1pm to 4pm!
Indigenous Waterways Event
The Indigenous Waterways event will raise awareness, build connections, and strengthen the capacity of Toronto’s diverse communities to take action by providing an indigenous approach on relating to and caring for our watersheds.
“Rivers Rising” Launch and AGM a great success!
Thank you to all who attended our Annual General Meeting and the launch of our new and exciting project, Rivers Rising, funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. It was inspiring to see so many familiar and new faces! During the Annual General Meeting, we welcomed four new members to our Board of Directors and took… Read more »